Here is a collection of short and beautiful Thanksgiving Day songs for children. Elders may help kids to perform on these Thanksgiving songs in their school programmes or just for fun.
My turkey dinner is over the ocean.
My turkey dinner lies over the sea.
I guess it’s not fully prepared yet.
Please bring my turkey dinner to me!!!
My turkey weighs thirty-five pounds.
My turkey is so hansom brown.
I guess we cannot have turkey dinner.
Please bring my turkey dinner to me!!!
My mashed potatoes are probably cold now.
My mashed potatoes costs twenty-five dollars.
I guess that there will be no thanksgiving.
Please bring my turkey dinner to me!!!
My sweet potatoes costs fifty dollars.
My sweet potatoes there were forty of them.
I guess there will be no sweet potatoes tonight.
Please bring my turkey dinner to me!!!
Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my turkey dinner to me-ee.
Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my turkey dinner to me-ee.
Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my turkey dinner to me-ee.
By: Cathy
I ate too much turkey,
I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie,
I'm stuffed up with muffins
and much too much stuffin',
I'm probably going to die.
I piled up my plate
and I ate and I ate,
but I wish I had known when to stop,
for I'm so crammed with yams,
sauces, gravies, and jams
that my buttons are starting to pop.
I'm full of tomatoes
and french fried potatoes,
my stomach is swollen and sore,
but there's still some dessert,v
so I guess it won't hurt
if I eat just a little bit more.
By: Brittany
Hello, Mr. Turkey how are you?
Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you?
With a gobble, gobble, gobble,
And a wobble, wobble, wobble.
Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you?
I have a turkey, big and fat.
(Make a fist with one hand-thumb Out for turkey's head)
He spreads his tail and walks like that.
(Attach "tail" by spreading Out fingers of other hand and join together)
His daily corn he would not miss.
(Poke with thumb at floor)
And when he talks, it sounds like this:
Gobble Gobble Gobble
I'm a little turkey
Short and Fat
Thanksgiving Day is coming
Now what do you think of that ?
I had better run as fast as I can
Or your mommy will roast me in a pan!
Pick the corn and pick the beans,
Pick the squash and other greens
It is harvest time you see
Come and share a feast with me.
Bring your family out to play,
We'll call this Thanksgiving Day